Astrological preview February 2025

A sensitive month with enormous liberation potential

February invites you to dream. It begins sensitively, with a heightened sense of empathy. Love in particular is dynamic, free and bold.
The closer we get to the full moon on 12 February, the stronger the desire to break out of restrictive structures or structures that are no longer compatible with our own values.
The gentleness, coupled with the strong urge for liberation, can be a challenge for sensitive souls. Remember that the comfort zone can also be left gently with sensitivity.

On 1 February, Venus, the goddess of love, raves devotedly about all-encompassing love; she seeks unity, fulfilment and deep connection. These subtle energies make us permeable and invite us to creative, artistic, poetic and spiritual experiences. The days are also ideal for coming to terms with your values and finances.
However, the quality of time is not suitable for careful and precise work, nor for signing contracts or carrying out major financial transactions. The energy is too intangible for such endeavours.
Are you looking for new experiences, new ideas, do you write or would you like to network more? Take advantage of the field around 3 February, when Jupiter, the bearer of hope, conjuncts Mercury, the thinker.

If the realisation of your plans may have felt sluggish until then, things will now get rolling again. From 4 February, Jupiter will be direct again and Venus, the goddess of love, will move into active and assertive Aries.
It’s quite possible that you’ll feel more permeable in February. This could also be related to the position of Chiron. Chiron is an ambivalent figure. He suffers and torments himself with self-doubt – at the same time he became a great scholar and an even greater healer. Chiron was able to heal others precisely because he knew pain so well. However, he was never able to use his great gift for himself and alleviate his own pain. Chiron is therefore called ‘the wounded healer’ in astrology. Chiron is now in assertive Aries and in tension with his planetary ruler Mars, which in turn is in sensitive and family-orientated Cancer.

In Cancer, Mars can be unruly and unbalanced. With this tension, childish patterns can show themselves more quickly. Vulnerability is heightened throughout February, but this also gives you the opportunity for more understanding and healing.
Mars is sensitive in Cancer. This sensitivity in tension with the physical sign of Aries can lead to physical and psychosomatic complaints. The message from the cosmos is: Heal repressed parts of your soul so that your body can also experience healing. Be loving and patient with your body and look after yourself lovingly.

On another level, this tension can also manifest itself in excessive demands and discharge itself in pointless power struggles.

The full moon is in Leo on 12 February. This full moon carries the power of change. The process of dissolving existing structures is visible on the outside and is in full swing. Many things are coming to an end and changing radically.

At the same time, this full moon strengthens your roots, trust and family ties and provides a lot of stability and support. The clan, like-minded communities gain strength!

However, the main theme of this full moon in February is not the change that comes to you from outside. The main theme of this full moon is the strengthening of your self-confidence and the invitation to clearly define your own values and stand up for them. It is a time when you recognise what is really important to you and stand up for it courageously. You find the way to break out of everything that no longer corresponds to your values and is not good for you.

On 24 February, Mars finally moves direct again after a six-month retrograde cycle. Very leisurely for the time being – so things can still feel tough.

Mars has been flushing suppressed emotions, power and powerlessness issues to the surface over the last few months. We’ve been able to face numerous transformative lessons and are now benefiting from more momentum.

The planet of activity is direct again at 17 degrees Cancer. We can now see more clearly, especially when it comes to family, children, our own home and our own needs. Mars going direct is also good news for the immune system. This is because Mars retrograde could have contributed more to inflammation, accidents and viral illnesses in recent months.

Mars going direct allows our actions to flow more freely again and is a booster for all zodiac signs. However, it will be felt particularly strongly by Cancerians and all those who have a planet or other astrologically relevant point on 17 degrees of a sign in their horoscope.

Around 25 February, it can be useful to turn to serious topics and address them if necessary. Mercury in conjunction with austere Saturn challenges us and can sometimes make topics appear gloomy. If you notice such a tendency, go into the forest and breathe – channel your energy into demanding mental work, work that also requires precision.
Mental clarity promotes the setting of realistic goals and stands for the realisation of creative ideas and projects.

At the new moon in Pisces on 28 February, the field is very open, inspired, sensitive but also somewhat diffuse.
With the strong emphasis on water, which is probably also noticeable in the climate,spirituality, music and compassion become important themes.
The entire social sector (hospitals, homes, schools, migration, etc.) is also the focus of renewal. In addition, this new moon emphasises the beginning of a reforming spirituality and consciousness. It teaches trust, focussing inwards and listening to the heart.

Whatever seeds are planted at this new moon, it is important to consider the details, the ‘small print’ – especially if these seeds come with commitments, agreements and resources.
In March you will deal with the themes of this New Moon once again, as Mercury and Venus will begin their retrograde in March and move back towards the degrees at the end of February.
Many things will then be re-evaluated, show up differently than expected and will then manifest in April.

25 January 2025, Bettina Bettini