For a fulfilled life, it can help to recognize our personality: Abilities, motivations and needs as well as weaknesses are present in our assets as a valuable treasure.
It promotes the understanding of relationships and enables a peaceful life with each other.
Comprehensive astrology takes into account the zodiacal signs of ten planets, the Sun and Moon are seen as planets in this context. The star system is considered in terms of its effects on the Earth, the axis that was active when the individual was born.
It is within this cosmos that we humans act and evolve. We are mirrored in the sky, so to speak. “As above so below”, is the principle of astrology. The macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm of man.
Each being of us is unique.
We are all connected from the starry sky to the earth – Love and Peace Susan Fischer
First session: 90 minutes / cost CHF 220.-
Further sessions: 60 minutes / costs CHF 120.-
Space for practical implementation in everyday life and tasks for body awareness
For the preparation I spend two hours each time for the desired horoscope and question.
In the sessions I invite you to experience the deep meaning of yourself in the dialogue of personality analysis. The horoscope helps to see parts of yourself and to recognize where unconscious emotional needs want to be fulfilled. In the conversation I trust in the inner intuitive primal knowledge. The moment of your birth was stored on the cellular level of your body and always remains a part of you. Through bodywork the session can be integrated if desired.
Translated with (free version)For some zodiac signs, this time can turn a lot of things upside down. The signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius of the last decade are particularly affected, as are all those who have planets or sensitive points in these areas.
If you manage to face this impetuous, restless energy with calm and mindfulness, you can use it to bring new things into your life. You can change things radically, and it’s especially worthwhile if you try to react emotionally to events in a different way than you’re used to.
Neptune, review of dreams
The planet of transcendence dissolves boundaries. It turns retrograde on 2 July, on the last degrees of Pisces. Here it has an enormous effect. Neptune is psychologically based on emotions and is also the lord of the seas and water.
It is therefore not surprising that the topic of water has been in the foreground for some time now and especially in these weeks, but will continue to be so in the future. In addition to too much, too little or polluted water, Neptune also controls the ocean currents. These are becoming less active and are massively changing the global climate. And not to forget: Water is the carrier of emotions and we humans consist of about 70% water. If Neptune appeals to the emotions and the Sun is now also moving through the sign of Cancer, then the themes of security, roots and origins will come to the fore until 22 July. In a world that is changing ever faster, these themes form the foundation for facing these changes with serenity and strength.
This highly sensitive quality of time offers ideal conditions for tracing and recognising which feelings, ideas and dreams no longer serve you on your path of development. Many things dream themselves out and develop differently than expected. However, disillusionments also always have the quality of adapting long-cherished wishes to a new reality.
With Neptune and Cancer, it is important to calm down, meditate, linger in nature and connect with the sources of being.
The time is ripe for transformations – of imprints, unconscious patterns and traumas.
With the help of hypnotherapy, you can access your subconscious in a natural way and transform blocking and formative childhood experiences, including traumas. If you are interested in this, please get in touch with me under “Contact”.
Astrological Preview Juy 2024
The month begins sensitively, imaginatively and gently, prompting loving encounters.
However, the flow of information and communication should be carefully scrutinised and obstacles should be expected when travelling.
Confusing and unclear moments are to be expected throughout the month. The weather will also continue to be unsettled.
From 8 to 11 July, we can look forward to excellent days for binding agreements. It is worth scheduling important negotiations and planning for these dates.
After that, the pace, tension and unrest will increase, with an eruptive climax on 15 July.
The mood can change very quickly, especially with careless behaviour. There is also an increased risk of accidents from 13 to 19 July, which calls for caution and restraint.
Expand networks and make contacts!
The desire to make contacts, especially new contacts, is the focus at the beginning of June and particularly around this new moon. At the same time, strict realist Saturn encourages us to question existing relationship patterns and values to ensure that they are in line with the demands of the new age of freedom. The new relationship patterns of the air epoch differ markedly from those we know from the security-oriented earth age: Security thinking, vested interests and patriarchal hierarchical power structures are to be transformed into mutual support, common interests, equality and equality of status.
That’s why in June and throughout the summer it can sometimes feel like your progress is slow. It doesn’t matter, allow it and readjust your values.
Astrological Preview June 2024
The shift of the planets from the fixed, security-oriented, protective earth sign Taurus to the mobile, airy and curious sign Gemini will set many things in motion.
The energies in June point in a more optimistic and lighter direction. The newly emphasized Gemini sign encourages communication and connections of all kinds. We know that we need other people and we are all woven into a huge network. In June, new ideas and also many new opportunities for professional development open up through new acquaintances and new knowledge, because the need for exchange and social contact is heightened.
The strong emphasis on Gemini marks a quality of time in which everything should happen everywhere and at the same time. That’s why it’s important not to get bogged down or dilute things. Pay attention to your breathing, don’t get distracted and stay focused.
At the same time, things are constantly being slowed down. This brake will remain noticeable throughout the summer. Restrictions, conflicting interests and confusing information will make decisions difficult. Projects that start in June will have to reposition themselves and face a different, new reality than originally planned. This will throw a spanner in the works and adjustments will be necessary for success. Saturn the realist is responsible for this brake. It basically stands for the manifestation of reality and has been moving through the zodiac sign of Pisces for a good 1.5 years. Pisces symbolizes the invisible, spirituality and the unconscious.
Saturn in Pisces connects science and research with the metaphysical. The merging of mysticism and science will be explored more intensively, which can lead to a new consciousness – advances in humanity could become possible!
The quality of time in March offers the opportunity to learn new skills in feeling so that the ingenious spiritual concepts become easier to live with.
The sign of Pisces – letting goWith Pisces, we find ourselves in the world of emotions, the arts and spirituality. The longing drives us to connect and work artistically.
As the last sign in the zodiac before a new cycle begins on March 20 with the start of spring, we get rid of superfluous ballast. The mood is open, active and connecting
In many traditions, February and March are therefore a time for cleansing and decluttering, physically, emotionally and spiritually, so that we can start the new astrological year free from March 20.
Astrological Preview March 2024
The themes of the new Age of Aquarius were strongly activated in February.
It’s as if humanity wants to make leaps in time, but much is still far from mature. What was thought up and planned around February 10 will show its first fruits at the full moon in Aquarius on August 19.
With Pluto’s passage through Aquarius, mental concepts will accompany us for a good 20 years. In purely theoretical terms, these may be ingenious, futuristic, socially just and particularly innovative. However, feelings are often given too little consideration.
All personal planets are now passing through the sign of Pisces, where Saturn, the master of implementation and structure, is also located.
Saturn teaches us how we can control our thoughts and emotions even better, which makes us more resilient and self-determined.
The Serratus Bodywork Zurich Studio is located between Helvetiaplatz and Europaallee. Easily accessible by bus 31/32 to the corner of Militärstrasse and Langstrasse or about 10 minutes on foot from Zurich main station.